WE ARE: New London 2016
We are extremely grateful to our Sponsors and Supporters
The Department of Economic and Community Development
The Frank Loomis Palmer Fund
The LaBoiteaux Family Foundation
City of New London
City Center District
Hispanic Alliance of Southeastern CT
Lyman Allyn Art Museum
MS17 Art Project
Neff Productions
New London Main Street
Thames River Greenery
The Day Newspaper
Spindrift Guitars
Thank you to our 2016 Kickstarter Donors
Alva Greenberg
John Oliva and Nancy Krant
The Reverend Cn Mark K. J. Robinson
Frances Ashley
Art Burns
Fredrick T. Crosby
James Eckerle
Peter Eliel
Sonia Evers
Kristin Harkness
Kathleen Maher
Dini Mallory
Safe Harbor Beer
Alexandra Ayla
Diane Birdsall
Kim Briggs
Dan Burnett
Ashby Carlisle
Elsie Childs
Linda English
Guy Hermann
Hsin-Yi Huang
Jennifer Ligeti
Newt and Polly Merrill
Penny Parsekian
Evan Piccirillo
Hollis Salzman and David Barry
Lisa Sayers
Gardner Standart
Sabele and Joe Steuert
Christine Strick
Ador Ereda Yano
Jean and John Baxter
Betsey Cooley|
Margarita Emerson
Tom Lescoe and Mark Robel
Kathleen Maher
Mary Matthews
Frank McLaughlin
Virginia Montgomery
Alden R. Murphy
Sam Quigley
David MacKenzie Smith
Clinton Standart
Erica Tannen
Mary Waldron
Barbara Zabel
Rob Bernardo
Nicholas M. Cornell
Hannah Gant
John J. Lamb
Tambria Moore
Grace Terzian
Lori Robishaw
Sheryl Winarick